Crane Expertise | Crane Components

Our team has 20+ years of in-field, on-crane experience. We have outstanding professional qualifications.

Being an Overhead Crane Guy

It’s important to enjoy your work and love what you do. The crane and hoist industry has a great sense of tradition and pride in our product. I collect some old advertisements and like to share them with colleagues and friends. This ad is likely prewar, although there is no date on it.

The amusing thing about this print ad is the “you don’t need room for electric hoists” tag line. You do in fact need room for an electric hoist, although recent innovations have made it easier to work with less space. Projects like those pictured require a lot of forethought in order to curve the monorail track and fasten it to what appears to be a cement ceiling. Consider asking about your building’s suitability for cranes and hoists before buying/leasing.